Full Name: Cerella Marie Di Mondo
Birthplace: Decatur, IL
Immediate Family: Married almost 4 years to John P. Di Mondo.
1 cat-Cecil & 1 dog-Russell.
Occupation: Homemaker
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Well, my mom, grandma & great grandma were all nurses. Knowing how compassionate they all were, I always felt that I lacked that and never wanted to be a nurse. I did however ask my parents "If I worked at Dairy Queen would I get free ice cream?" They responded "Probably." and THAT was the moment that I realized what I wanted to do when I grew up. By the way, that dream never came true.
Best way to spend a weekend night in Decatur: Going to watch a movie at The Avon and afterwards picking up a lemon ice cream cone at Krekel's to take to Nelson Park/Lake Decatur.
How has your life been different than what you had imagined? I'm definitely more blessed than I ever imagined I would be.
What are you proudest of in your life? My entire family. They are all the absolute coolest people I know.
How would you like to be remembered? As someone who was always fair, honest, kind and put others at ease.
Best piece of advice anyone has ever given you: From my dad- "Lead, follow, or get out of the way!"
Most important lesson learned: Nothing feels better than forgiveness.
What movie do you never get tired of watching? Office Space
Favorite book of all time: Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho
Favorite local restaurant: La Gondola
Someone who is making a difference in Decatur: Sarah Butts (Owner of Bellasera) is always an avid supporter of local small businesses and just about anything else here in Decatur. Go Sarah!
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