Full Name: Deroan Eileen Peters
Birthplace: Puyallup, Washington
Immediate Family: Husband: Mark Andrew Peters Children: Benjamin 7, Claire & Alex 3
Occupation: Group Leader Raw Materials Meda Pharmaceuticals
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? An Auto Mechanic
Best way to spend a weekend night in Decatur: Eating take and bake pizza and staying up late to watch a movie with my family. Going out with friends while the grandparents watch the kids.
How has your life been different than what you had imagined? I never dreamt I would be living in Illinois and married with 3 kids. I always thought I would travel and live out of a backpack in Africa or Europe.
What are you proudest of in your life? Graduating from college and my children.
How would you like to be remembered? I would like to be remembered for being kind and family oriented.
Best piece of advice anyone has ever given you: Stand up for yourself because no else will and be proud of who you are.
Most important lesson learned: The Golden Rule: Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.
What movie do you never get tired of watching? The Harry Potter series
Favorite book of all time: Jane Eyre
Favorite local restaurant: Robbie’s
Someone who is making a difference in Decatur: It is hard to pick just one because each one of us in our own way contribute time and money to make Decatur a better place.
Any other information you would like to share: My attitude of Decatur has changed dramatically since becoming active in my neighborhood association and Junior Welfare Association. I now understand why people love Decatur so much. Decatur offers so many great opportunities to be involved and change the city for the better how could one not want to be involved.